Wandering the Back Streets

… or Tuscany in sepia tones.  Thanks to Cee for this week’s Fun Foto Challenge – Black and White or Sepia – these shots have been waiting for such an opportunity to lure you away from the Cathedral squares and down deserted back streets, just to see.

64 thoughts on “Wandering the Back Streets

  1. These are spot on! Your choice of toning seems quite appropriate. I also like your approach to exclude as much sky as possible – when it’s white/grey it rarely adds any value and prevents slightly longer exposures to get into the shadow areas. Nice series.

  2. I never take or process any picture in B/W or sepia. However looking at your photos in this post makes me think again. Maybe I should give it a try. 🙂

    • I began doing it when I was trying to save some of my badly degraded slides, Bama – and with some scenes it seemed to work a trick! It’s still a matter of experimentation – sometimes black and white works best, others the sepia. I liked the sepia for these because it highlighted the warmth of the stone. I hope you try some 🙂

  3. Cee’s sepia challenge has made for some interesting posts this week! I’ve seen quite a few of them and like Bama think it may be worth trying!
    I REALLY love “After Mass, Sunday Morning”: If you told someone this was an actual 19th century photo, they’d believe you! Stunning, timeless shot!

  4. Dear M.
    I like very much these serie of pics…I agree: sepia is the perfect colour…They bring old memories…They remember me the “Neorrealimo Italiano” films, from the late 40´s and 50´s…They got the atmosphere…(did I say I like them? 🙂 )

  5. Tuscany…, my love! Your beautiful b/w photos reminded me instantly of Henry James said, “There is nothing new to be said about her (Italy) certainty, but the old is better than any novelty.” 🙂 Thank you, twg!

  6. We would get along just fine on a trip. Florence is my absolutely favorite city in the world. Taking a walk on her backstreets, away from the tourist throngs, makes for a great afternoon — or series of them. Displaying your photos as you did gives them that Old Country feel. Mi piace. 🙂

    • Just wandering, getting lost in the little lanes, ferreting amongst the jumble of stuff in dusty shops and looking through almost closed doors and gates, stopping off for a coffee or late lunch, that’s my idea of bliss John. In fact, these days, I have to force myself into the museums and galleries, make appointments with myself to visit the great ‘sights’.

  7. Tuscany is such an amazing location for photography, I was planning of going there two years ago but never had the chance to visited it yet. I never knew about this secret locations there but now thanks to you I may finally go and get my self a ticket and head to Italy to explore these beautiful back streets of Tuscany 😉

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